June 16, 2010

Donna Karan's First Furniture Line

All proceeds of the line go towards cultural preservation... and partly Donna Karan's preservation since it is her charitable organization 'Urban Zen' that will benefit from the sales of the furniture. Urban Zen's pillars are health, education and preservation of culture. While these are noble missions to uphold the underlying feeling here is still one of commercial motivation resulting in a cognitive dissonance. The Donna Karan brand is heavily intertwined with Urban Zen and its bourgeoisie capitalism.So while I love (LOVE) the amazing furniture here (natural, clean and quality craftmanship) I have a hard time stomaching the artistic altruism that's promoted. Besides that, I would be first in line for the driftwood Balinese chairs that are made-to-order.

On the rooftop- garden display of furniture at the West Village, NYC shop.

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